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Activative Source, our monitoring service of the most important, innovative and original sponsorship activation creative, is a subscription only service. It provides an online resource for creative, strategic and tactical stimulus across the wider sponsorship space. Subscribers can simply sign in below, while non-subscribers can find subscription details by clicking on the button below. Button and then complete the registration details.
Move your mouse to keep your session active. Welcome to the Bombardier donations and sponsorships online application site. This site is operated by Sponsorium, the platform owner. The confidentiality of all information collected on behalf of Bombardier is ensured.
Castle Pines Academy is proud to be the first locally owned and operated childcare center to provide early childhood education and quality child care in a loving and secure environment. We provide daily programs for children from 6 months up to 6 years old and we provide before and after school activities for children up to 12 years old. We are committed to excellence and to delivering the highest quality of care and educational programs to our children and families.
5595 Rockbridge Rd, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083. The best pre-season youth football tournament in the south. Please download and complete the necessary team forms. Please open this form by clicking the download form button. No teams will be placed on the schedule without. Here the best youth football teams in the South compete. Over 100 teams of premier athletes.
Move your mouse to keep your session active. There are moments when inspiration takes flight. These are the moments we live for. We know you do too. Welcome to the Emirates Sponsorship Request site. Thank you for considering Emirates as a potential partner to share your journey with.
Bewegen Sie die Maus damit die Sitzung aktiv bleibt. EON unterstützt und fördert seit vielen Jahren Projekte, Vereine und Institutionen in verschiedenen Bereichen und Ländern bei der Verwirklichung ihrer Ziele. Wir schätzen langfristige und nachhaltige Partnerschaften, weshalb uns die Nähe zu und der Dialog mit unseren aktuellen wie auch zukünftigen Partnern sehr wichtig ist. Um Ihnen darüber hinaus Zeit und auch Kosten zu ersparen, versi.
Thứ tư, ngày 28 tháng 03 năm 2018. Ban tổ chức Lễ hội. Ban điều hành Lễ hội. Bản đồ du lịch Đà Lạt. Giá vàng - Ngoại tệ.
Move your mouse to keep your session active. Thank you for considering The Home Depot as a potential sponsor.
Move your mouse to keep your session active. Thank you for considering HSBC as a potential partner. Please read the following information before submitting your sponsorship proposal via the online form. What HSBC is looking for.
Sponsorium International Inc.
Paul Pednault
460 Ste-Catherine St. W. Suite 942
Montreal, Quebec, H3B 1A7
Fyll ut feltene under og vi sender deg ditt brukernavn og passord. Få nye kunder med hjelp av Fjalar - SponsorAd! Betaler bare for klikk til din side. Annonsen vises bare ut fra valgte nøkkelord. Så mange forskjellige annonser du ønsker. Få 20 klikk gratis ved registrering! Lag en eller flere annonser! Ingen binding ved registrering! Start i dag, og få besøkende til din side! Business and I.
Haugaland Kraft er en betydelig bidragsyter til kultur og idrett på Haugalandet. Haugaland Kraft bidrar med støtte til frivillig barne- og ungdomsarbeid og prioriterer spesielt aldersgruppen 13 til 15 år. Haugaland Kraft støtter også de store kulturarrangementene på Haugalandet, ved at vi er hovedsponsor for Den Norske Filmfestivalen, Vikingfestivalen, Sildajazzen, Skudefestivalen og Vikedal Roots Festival. Sponsorweb vil være åpen for søknader i denne perioden.
This site is intended for the use of our Sponsors and allows you to accomplish any of the functions found on the left. Enter your username and password below to access the site. 2013 Hyatt Legal Plans, Inc. 1111 Superior Avenue, Suite 800, Cleveland, Ohio 44114.
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